Who is Capriole Consulting?

Capriole Consulting melds Cathy’s background in high tech and the corporate world with up-to-the-minute, research-backed, organizational theory to offer solutions that address our clients’ challenges with executive and team performance. We work with a wider group of consultants and coaches to bring in the expertise just in time, and as needed by our clients.

We specialize in three main areas: executive coaching, optimizing team dynamics and performance, and “future-proofing” your ongoing HR/team performance efforts. Please see our Services page for more information about our specialties.

Why Capriole Consulting?


We’re called Capriole because we’re inspired by the jumps horses make in classical dressage. The capriole move requires great strength and is considered a highly difficult move. But we know change via leaps and bounds IS possible. Our clients aren’t bounded by incremental change: Leaping from one level directly to the next just takes training and practice.  

Cathy Chen, CPCC, MA specializes in coaching tech leaders enabling development of their own skills in leading teams. She came from leading engineering teams in large tech companies as well as startups launching product features as a manager and product manager. She has a masters degree in Organizational Psychology from Teacher's College at Columbia University. She marries impeccable hands-on geek cred with up-to-the-minute, research-backed, organizational theory including group dynamics from a systems perspectives, organizational change, executive coaching, and the ever-popular—because ever-necessary—managing conflict in organizations.Learn more.   Linked In